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Distinctive Unit Insignia

A gold color metal and enamel device 1 3/16 inches (3.02 cm) in height consisting of a scarlet gearwheel of sixteen teeth with a white cloud form centered upon it and thereon a blue five-pointed star throughout with a gold four-bladed propeller centered overall; attached below, a gold scroll inscribed "SEMPER VOLANS" in blue letters.

The maintenance function of the Aviation Classification Repair Activity Depots (AVCRAD) is suggested by the gearwheel and the cloud is symbolic of the sky and of aviation. The four-bladed propeller refers to the four AVCRADs under the command and control of the Mobilization AVCRAD Control Element (MACE), represented by the five-pointed star at center, the points of the star further denote the five states involved in the Aviation Depot Maintenance Roundout Unit (ADMRU) program. The Latin words "SEMPER VOLANS" when translated means "ALWAYS FLYING," which sums up the mission of the AVCRADs, to always keep Army aviation assets flying.

The distinctive unit insignia was approved on 24 June 1985.

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